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Thursday 1 September 2016

Heresy! The Vatican and abandonment of Principles!

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The religion of today’s Vatican is of the Devil! We know this again and again when we consider that they have abandoned the word “heresy” and so admit everything except Catholicism!

Within Novus Ordo religion, only things Catholic are called “heresy” or “radical” or “neo- or “crypto-leferbvrian”.

We have to again note that heresy is a denial of a defined article of faith by a validly baptized person and once heresy is pronounced, the person seizes to be a Catholic!

This is the one reason the Novus Ordo anti popes are not Catholics neither are they popes!

The blog, Introibo Ad Altare Dei has again x-rayed the nature and application of heresy for all to see and also to debunk the claim that we cannot use heresy in today's free world!

Recently, I had a discussion with my best friend. He is a great husband and father, a loyal friend, and super-smart. We came to the subject of religion, and I reminded him that I never have anything to do with the prayers and ceremonies of heretics or apostates. He told me that I should stop using words like "heresy" and "apostasy" because "they are only used by extremists like ISIS." I pointed out that members of ISIS are not the only ones who use those terms, and he was committing the "genetic fallacy" in logic, i.e.,  "where a conclusion is suggested based solely on someone's or something's history, origin, or source rather than its current meaning or context." The fact that some people who do bad things use those terms do not make the terms themselves bad. If Stalin said 2 + 2= 4, it doesn't become wrong or "bad" because an evil person stated it.

 The word "heresy" is never spoken in the Vatican II sect (except in rare circumstances in reference to Traditionalists). What you believe (as long as it's not the Truth) doesn't matter for them. After 52 years of Vatican II's influence, it doesn't matter to much of the world either. It was a stroke of genius for the sect to make the term "heresy" seem bad, impolite, and insulting--much in the same way racial epithets (rightfully) are treated. However, a dispassionate look will reveal that these terms are statements of fact. Furthermore, heresy is a sin against the faith, making it one of the worst sins; and a sin that can cause a cleric (even the pope) to fall from office. In this post I will outline what heresy is and how its effects got us to sedevacantism.

What is Heresy?

Heresy is defined as "A teaching which is directly contradictory to a truth revealed by God and proposed to the faithful as such by the Church." (See theologian Parente, Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, Bruce Publishing Company, [1951], pg. 123). 

All humanity outside the Church can be divided into five (5) broad categories in relation to the Church:

1. Infidels. These are humans who have never been baptized. The very name "infidel" comes from the Latin "not of the Faith." To not be of the faith means never to have been validly baptized. Under this heading belong the heathens, Jews, Mohammedans, those who profess to be Christian but don't have valid baptism, and unbaptized atheists, agnostics, and deists. 

2. Schismatics. Schismatics preserve their faith in revealed Truth, but refuse obedience to the pope, or reject communion with the Catholic faithful. In the strict sense, schismatics don't sin against the faith, but against obedience and charity. They are subdivided into (a) pure schism and (b) mixed schism. Pure schism is very rare today. Mixed schism applies to the Eastern sects and the so-called Old Catholic sect, because they deny one or more truths of divine and Catholic faith (e.g., the divine origin and primacy of the papacy,  the Immaculate Conception, etc.) Practically speaking they are heretics today, precisely because of their denial of one or more truths of faith.

3. Apostates. These are those, whom having had valid Baptism in the True Church, completely abandon the faith to become Jews , Mohammedans, or abandon faith for atheism/agnosticism. They reject ALL of the Church, not just obedience due to Her (pure schism), or one (some) dogmas (heretics). 

4. Formal Heretics. These are former Catholics who have denied one or more  truths of divine and Catholic faith. A truth is "divine" when it is contained in the deposit of Revelation ending with the death of the last Apostle (St. John) in the year 100 AD. It is "Catholic" when proposed for belief to the faithful by the Magisterium (either extraordinarily through definition ex cathedra by a pope or Ecumenical Council approved by the pope; or from the teaching of the Universal and Ordinary Magisterium as explained by the First Vatican Council in 1870). 

5. Material Heretics. These are validly baptized people who were brought up in a non-Catholic sect (prior to the age of reason they were Catholic, but are not considered formal heretics since they never made the conscious choice to deny a dogma when they started being raised in the non-Catholic sect), or converted directly as an adult to a non-Catholic sect from e.g., Judaism, etc. Material heretics must be in good faith to be truly classified as such, but they are outside the Church, nevertheless. 

All of the above classes of people are outside the Church. Technically, there are material and formal pure schismatics too. Heresy is both a sin and a "delict" (crime in Canon Law).  Since the pope is above Canon Law, the crime of heresy does not apply. However, it is the sin of heresy that causes the loss of office by divine law. Heresy is a sin that places one outside the Church. You deny both the divine origin of a revealed truth and the infallibility of the Magisterium that proposed it.  (All the above, except where noted, was condensed from theologian MacKenzie, The Delict of Heresy in its Commission, Penalization, Absolution, CUA Press, [1932], pgs. 15-18).

Theologian Berry nicely summarizes, "Manifest heretics and schismatics are excluded from membership in the Church. Heretics separate themselves from the unity of faith and worship; schismatics from the unity of government, and both reject the authority of the Church. So far as exclusion from the Church is concerned, it matters not whether the heresy or schism be formal or material. Those born and reared in heresy or schism may be sincere in their belief and practice yet they publicly and willingly reject the Church and attach themselves to sects opposed to her. They are not guilty of sin in the matter, but they are not members of the Church. For this reason, the Church makes no distinction between formal and material heresy when receiving converts into her fold." (See Rev. E. Sylvester Berry, The Church of Christ [St. Louis, MO: B. Herder Book Co., 1927], p. 226; Emphasis added.)

Heresy and Loss of Papal Office

 The great saint, theologian, and Doctor of the Church Robert Bellarmine teaches, "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically ceases to be pope and head of the Church, just as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church [precisely because he is no longer the pope!---Introibo] All the early Fathers are unanimous in teaching that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction. St. Cyprian, in particular, laid great stress on this point." (See De Romano Pontifice, II:30)

 According to Doctor of the Church St. Alphonsus Liguori, "If ever a pope, as a private person, should fall into heresy, he would at once fall from the pontificate." (See Verita della Fede, Pt. III, Ch. VIII, 9-10).

How is heresy made manifest? According to theologian MacKenzie, "Words are the ordinary, but not the only means of communication. Complete externalization of thought may exist in signs, acts, or omissions." (Delict, pg.35) Let's break it down:

(a) Words. A dogma may be denied by a contradictory or contrary statement. For example, it is a dogma that "The Roman Catholic Church is the One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation." The contradictory statement negates it--"The Roman Catholic Church is NOT the One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation." A contrary statement is not a direct negation, but it goes against the dogma. Hence, Vatican II was heretical when it stated in Unitatis Redintegratio, para.#3 that Christ uses non-Catholic sects as a "means of salvation." It is heretical because if you can obtain salvation by being a Lutheran, then there is salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church.

(b) Acts. Think of "Saint" John Paul II kissing the Koran which denies the Trinity and Divinity of Christ. Remember Bergoglio ("Pope" Francis) celebrating Hanukkah with the Jews in 2012 when still a "cardinal."

(c) Omissions. Think of Bergoglio hiding his crucifix from the Jews and failing to try and convert them.

Heretics are incapable of keeping or attaining to papal office. In the case of one validly elected pope, should he fall into heresy as a private theologian, he falls from office. In the case of a manifest heretic prior to "election," he fails to attain the office. According to theologian Baldii, "Barred as incapable of being validly elected [pope] are the following: women, children who have not reached the age of reason, those suffering from habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics and schismatics..." (See Institutiones Iuris Canonici [1921]; Emphasis mine).

What if the pope doesn't realize what he's saying is heresy, or if people take it the wrong way? Does that exempt him from loss of office? Contrary to the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), Siscoe and Salza, and the rest of the "recognize and resist" (R&R) crowd; the answer is a resounding "NO." 

The Divine Law demands that the pope must, in the external forum (publicly), demonstrate that he knows and believes in the truths of the Catholic Faith. It is not required that he must have internal knowledge or intention to be heretical. If he denies even one dogma, he must be considered non-Catholic and a non-member of the Church, who can no longer be the head of the Church to which he does not belong. Again, according to MacKenzie, "The very commission of any act which signifies sufficient ground for juridical presumption of heretical depravity...Excusing circumstances have to be proven in the external forum, and the burden of proof is on the person whose action gave rise to the imputation of heresy. In the absence of such proof, all such excuses are presumed not to exist." (See Delict, pg. 35--Emphasis mine).  

Hence, heresy has placed us in a state of sedevacantism and the world is in a situation of near universal apostasy. 

The Campaign To Make Non-Heretics Look Bad

The reason "heresy" and "apostasy" are now equated with ISIS and evil is because of the relativism of the false ecclesiology of Vatican II, which makes anyone who believes in absolute truths look "extremist," "uncharitable," and even "evil." Vatican II teaches that the "Church of Christ" is not the same as the Roman Catholic Church. It "subsists" there in its fullness because it has all the "elements" of the Church of Christ. However, it subsists elsewhere, in greater or lesser degrees, depending on how many elements the sect possesses. To have all elements is best, but to have just some is good too, and leads to salvation.  Heresy implies that there is absolute truth that only one Church has (the Traditional Roman Catholic Church), and that if you deny even one truth of divine and Catholic Faith, you are outside the True Church and heading for Hell. The old and new ecclesiology are mutually exclusive, so the heretics set out to make the word "heresy" unfit for polite company and "rehabilitate" themselves. 

One only need to look at the True Mass vs. the Novus Bogus. Remember, "lex orandi, lex credendi" "the law of praying is the law of believing." 

The traditional Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics on Good Friday reads: "Let us pray also for heretics and schismatics:that our Lord God would be pleased to rescue them from all their errors; and recall them to our holy mother the Catholic and Apostolic Church. Almighty and everlasting God, who savest all, and wouldst that no one should perish: look on the souls that are led astray by the deceit of the devil: that having set aside all heretical evil, the hearts of those that err may repent, and return to the unity of Thy truth. Through our Lord. Amen."

In the Vatican II sect it has been replaced by the Prayer for Christian Unity which reads--my commentary in red : Let us pray also for all our brothers and sisters who believe in Christ, that our God and Lord may be pleased, as they live the truth [what truth? The partial elements of truth that exist outside the One True Church?], to gather them together and keep them in his one Church["keep" them in his [sic] Church? Don't they need to convert first?]. Almighty ever-living God, who gather what is scattered and keep together what you have gathered, look kindly on the flock of your Son,[ambiguous; is the flock referring to Catholics or Catholics and "those who believe in Christ"?] that those whom one Baptism has consecrated may be joined together by integrity of faith and united in the bond of charity [is this the same as recalling them to the Catholic and Apostolic Church?]. Through Christ our Lord. Amen." 

Gone are the words and phrases: "errors," "deceit of the devil," "heretical evil," "err," "repent," and, of course, "heretics" and "schismatics." You will NEVER hear a Vatican II cleric speak of heresy, unless he is condemning those who use the word! Real charity consists in keeping the truth and calling to repentance those who are heretics, so they may once again believe and be saved.  For those of us who know there is absolute truth in faith and morals, "heresy" is not a bad word; it's relativism and indifferentism that are evil beyond words. 

Presented by Malachy Mary Igwilo, on the feast of St. Giles 1st September 2016

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