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Monday 19 September 2016

John Paul II Loved the Devil! He destroyed the Exorcism rite to allow the Devil free hand!

 Image result for John paul II and the devil, images
Anyone who knows about the rite exorcism in the Catholic Church knows that Demons fear this august rite. Once this rite is used, the Devil flees!

There have been many cases of successful exorcism done on many people and which were recorded by the Church. Today, the Devil and his minions runs wild. 

Many people are deceived by what protestants call ‘Deliverance’. 

Deliverance in Protestantism is the Devil’s joy stick which he uses to deceive people and confirm them in their error. The Devil goes away momentarily in Protestant deliverance and ask a smaller Devil to hold place until he returns! This is a fact which the deceived are not able to confirm. 

The Devil piloting the Protestants gives them small reprieves to confirm them in their heresies and give impression of the Presence of the Holy Ghost. But nothing could be further from the truth.

In today’s world demonic possessions are rife simple because of the many atrocities committed in terms of Black Masses celebrated and many evil incantations and Ouija board manipulations. 
Also, horror movies and vampire movies (emphasis added) make room for the Devil to come and inhabit a soul and constantly living in mortal sin and consulting sorcerers and joining secrete societies welcome the devil. 

Young people even do blood covenant throwing the doors of their souls wide open for the Devil. They then move about like normal people without knowing that they are possessed.

Simply put, the Devil runs wild and the more he runs wild, the less people believe in possession! What an irony! 

The Novus ordo religion is of the devil and so they do all they can to give him ample room to operate and take more souls. They do this skillfully so that people will not notice.

It was John Paul II, of unfortunate memory, that destroyed Catholic Exorcism rite in the Novus Ordo religion for obvious reasons!
If he had left the rite alone, the devil will be restricted within that false religion and so he truncated the rite and introduced a new one.

Also, the Jewish Freemasonic infiltrator Paul VI made sure that few of his false priests known anything about exorcism. He completely removes the order of exorcism from the ordination of priests!
Well and good for those who continue, blindly and obstinately, to be inside Novus Ordo religion! These people have no access to fighting the Devil. They simple go to ‘deliverance’ and have a marriage with the devil.

Last Week, the Novus Ordo Exorcist Fr. Armoth (yes he was ordained validly in 1950) died and the blog Introibo are done a great article(Exorcise in Futility) which is published here to help us all see how John Paul II killed exorcism in Novus Ordo religion to allow his master the devil free hand!

 On September 16, 2016, Fr. Gabriel Amorth passed on at the age of 91. Fr. Amorth was the exorcist for Rome and wrote two books, An Exorcist Tells His Story and An Exorcist: More Stories. Fr. Amorth claimed there were "members of Satanic sects" in the Vatican including some "cardinals." Why a man who performed so many exorcisms (and ordained in the 1950s) didn't see the devil as the post-Vatican II "popes" baffles me. He was a very controversial figure, but one thing he said (and with which I completely agree), was his contention--supported in sound theology--that the new Rite of Exorcism imposed by John Paul the Great Apostate in 1999 was "useless" in battling demons. This post will demonstrate why this is so.
The New Rite Of Exorcism Examined

In January of 1999, "Pope" John Paul II promulgated De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam, a new Rite of Exorcism, supplanting the venerable and traditional Rite of 1614 AD. 

I.  A New (and false) Definition of Exorcism
The new Rite is based on the Vatican II Catechism of the Catholic (sic) Church of 1992, which defines exorcism as, "When the Churchasks publicly and authoritatively in the name of Jesus Christ that a person or object be protected against the power of the Evil One and withdrawn from his dominion, it is called exorcism." (#1673; Emphasis mine). An exorcism is NOT a prayer asking God to release someone from the power of the devil.  Exorcism is a command issued to Satan in the name of God. The very word exorcism tells you that – exorcizo, I adjure. The Traditional Rite states, "Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus…in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi" – "I exorcize you, unclean spirit…in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." It is a command issued to the demon in the name of Christ. The new Rite gives the Vatican II sect "priest" a choice of "deprecatory" and "imperative" exorcisms. The "deprecatory" is simply a prayer to God asking for His help. The "imperative" is commanding the demon in the name of Christ. According to the new Rite's rubrics, the deprecatory must always be used, and the imperative is an "option" rarely, if ever, to be used.

II.  Twelve (12) of the Twenty-one (21) Directives to the Exorcist are Omitted in the New Rite

Here are the old directives (with their former numbers) that are totally omitted:

4. In order to better test these signs [of possession], the priest should question the demoniac after one or other exorcism as to what he feels in his mind or body, so that in this way he can also learn which words more greatly disturb the demons, so as then to bear down on them and repeat them all the more.

5. The priest should stay alert for tricks and deceptions that demons use to mislead the exorcist. For they will give false answers as much as possible, and show themselves only with difficulty, in order that the exorcist at length become worn out and give up the exorcism; or the ill person might appear not to be harassed by the devil.

6. Occasionally, after they appear, the demons hide and leave the body almost free of all disturbance, so that the ill person might think he is completely freed. But the exorcist should not stop until he sees the signs of liberation.

8. Some demons point out an act of witchcraft which has been done [to cause possession], by whom it was done, and the way to undo it; but the demoniac should be careful not to have recourse to sorcerers, fortune-tellers, or other such persons, on this account, but should go to the ministers of the Church rather than use any superstitious or otherwise illicit means.

9. Sometimes the devil grants the sick person relief and permits him to receive the Holy Eucharist so that he might seem to have departed. In short, there are countless devices and tricks of the devil to deceive man, which the exorcist should beware, lest he be deceived.

13. …Also relics of Saints, where available, safely and properly fastened and covered, may be reverently applied to the chest or head of the possessed. Care must be taken that the sacred objects are not improperly handled or harmed in any way by the demon. Because of danger of irreverence, the Holy Eucharist should not be placed upon the head of the possessed person or elsewhere on his body.

14. The exorcist should not engage in a great deal of talking or ask unnecessary or curious questions, especially concerning future or secret matters not pertaining to his task. But he should command the unclean spirit to be silent, except to answer his questions. Nor should he believe the demon if he pretends to be the soul of some Saint or deceased person or a good Angel.

15. However, there are necessary questions, for example, concerning the number and names of the possessing spirits, the time and reason they entered, and other things of this sort. The exorcist should restrain or spurn the rest of the devil’s nonsense, laughter and foolishness, and advise those present, who should be few, that they must not pay attention to these things nor question the possessed person, but rather humbly and earnestly pray to God for him.

16. The exorcist should read and carry out the exorcism with strength, authority, great faith, humility and fervor, and when he sees that the spirit is especially tormented, then he should persist and bear down all the more. And whenever he sees that the possessed person is being disturbed in some part of his body, or stung, or that a swelling appears somewhere, he should make the sign of the cross on that area and sprinkle it with holy water which should be on hand.

17. He is also to observe at which words the demons tremble more, and then he should repeat these words more often. When he reaches the threatening words, he should say them repeatedly, always increasing the punishment. If he sees that he is making progress, he should continue for two, three, or four hours, or even longer if he can, until he obtains the victory.

19. If he is exorcising a woman, he should always have persons of integrity with him to hold the possessed person while she is agitated by the demon. These people should be close relatives of the suffering woman if possible. Mindful of decency, the exorcist should be careful not to say or do anything which could be an occasion of an evil thought to himself or the others.

20. While he is exorcising, he should use the words of Sacred Scripture rather than his own or someone else’s. He should command the demon to tell him if he is held in that body because of some magic, or sorcerer’s signs or devices. If the possessed person has consumed things of this sort orally, he should vomit them up. If they are elsewhere outside his body, he should reveal where they are, and once found, they are to be burned. The possessed person should also be advised to make known all his temptations to the exorcist.

III.  Other Omissions

The Traditional Rite of Exorcism had a three-fold sequence of exorcisms, which is now a single "prayer for relief."

Traditional Rite Of Exorcism (1614):
Exorcism #1
151 words (in the Latin)
6 Signs of the Cross
13 negative appellations for the devil
7 commands
4 Old/New Testament references

New Rite of Exorcism (1999):
Exorcism #1 (optional)
193 words
4 Signs of the Cross
9 negative appellations for the devil
9 commands
4 Old/New Testament references

Traditional Rite of Exorcism (1614):
Exorcism #2
442 words 
23 Signs of the Cross 
Signing of breast and forehead 
14 "Imperat tibi" (direct commands)
3 "Adjuro te" (I adjure you)
Mention of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary 
Biblical images of demon-animals being trodden upon

New Rite of Exorcism (1999):
Exorcism #2 (the only one mandated by the rubrics)
162 words 
3 Signs of the Cross 
No signing of breast and forehead
0 "Imperat tibi" references
3 "Adjuro te" (I adjure you)
No mention of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary 
No Biblical images of demon-animals being trodden upon

Traditional Rite of Exorcism (1614):
Exorcism #3 
389 words
12 Signs of the Cross 
11 Old/New Testament images 
14 commands (Give place-Depart-Be gone)
Eject-Expel-Repel sequence
Threat of Hell-fire

New Rite of Exorcism (1999):
Exorcism #3 (optional)
142 words 
1 Sign of the Cross 
1 mild New Testament image
8 commands
No Eject-Expel-Repel sequence
No threat of Hell-fire 


 As you can see, the New Rite of Exorcism is really no exorcism at all. Just as the sacrament of Extreme Unction has become a "spiritual get-well-soon card" in the Vatican II sect's "Anointing of the Sick," exorcism is little more than asking for God's help while downplaying all the sacred signs of our Faith. Even when a validly ordained priest uses it, like the late Fr. Amorth, it proves useless. Not satisfied with the elimination of the priesthood, Wojtyla (John Paul II) had to destroy the Rite of Exorcism itself. After all, why would the Modernist Vatican want to keep those traditional prayers asking their new and infernal master to leave them? 

Presented by Malachy Mary Igwilo, on the feast Day of St. Eustace and His companion, 20th September 2016