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Wednesday 22 March 2017

'Pope' Francis asks you to go to hell by worshiping with the Anglicans!

Yes, Francis is firing on! He keeps presenting us with his evil and yet millions of normal people call him ‘Vicar of Christ’, ‘Holy Father’, ‘Pope’, ‘Holiness’, ‘Papa’ etc

This time around he has asked people to attend the abominable Anglican service! This same Anglican Service that is condemned by the Catholic church, the one true Church of Christ!

Of course, thinking people will know that the fact that Francis is asking that people can attend the Anglican service when there is no ‘mass’, shows again that the man is not a Catholic by any shred. If he were to be, he cannot be near the Anglicans, the religion of adultery!

No wonder he allowed the Anglicans to come over to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome to desecrate it with their abominable prayer service!

Ofcourse we know that what Francis calls ‘Mass’ is not Mass at all. He is referring to the Novus Ordo abomination which millions think is Catholic. It is not. Find out why here

I am starting to ask my Novus Ordo friends when they will attend the Anglican service near them. Maybe they will go nest Sunday? Who knows?

This will not come as a shock to the deceived within the Novus Ordo structure since many of them already go to the many thousands of false religions that call themselves ‘Pentecostals’ and even ‘Christians’.

The Catholic Church is the one true Church and so no Catholic can participating in any false worship since it is both heretical and abominable. But Francis, the scion of the Devil says it is ‘richness’ to attend Anglican service!

Here is what he says exactly because you scream it is a lie:

And then, there is my experience. I was very friendly with the Anglicans at Buenos Aires, because the back of the parish of Merced was connected with the Anglican Cathedral. I was very friendly with Bishop Gregory Venables, very friendly. But there’s another experience: In the north of Argentina there are the Anglican missions with the aborigines, and the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Bishop there work together and teach. And when people can’t go on Sunday to the Catholic celebration they go to the Anglican, and the Anglicans go to the Catholic, because they don’t want to spend Sunday without a celebration; and they work together. And here [at the Vatican], the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith knows this. And they engage in charity together. And the two Bishops are friends and the two communities are friends.
I think this is a richness [treasure] that our young Churches can bring to Europe and to the Churches that have a great tradition. And they give to us the solidity of a very, very well cared for and very thought out tradition. It’s true, — ecumenism in young Churches is easier. It’s true. But I believe that – and I return to the second question – ecumenism is perhaps more solid in theological research in a more mature Church, older in research, in the study of history, of Theology, of the Liturgy, as the Church in Europe is. And I think it would do us good, to both Churches: from here, from Europe to send some seminarians to have pastoral experience in the young Churches, so much is learned. We know [that] they come, from the young Churches, to study at Rome, at least the Catholics [do]. But to send them to see, to learn from the young Churches would be a great richness in the sense you said. Ecumenism is easier there, it’s easier, something that does not mean [it’s] more superficial, no, no, it’s not superficial. They don’t negotiate the faith and [their] identity. In the north of Argentina, an aborigine says to you: “I’m Anglican.” But the bishop is not here, the Pastor is not here, the Reverend is not here . . . “I want to praise God on Sunday and so I go to the Catholic Cathedral,” and vice versa. They are riches of the young Churches. I don’t know, this is what comes to me to say to you.

(“Pope’s Q & A at Anglican All Saints Church”, Zenit, Feb. 27, 2017; underlining added. Original Italian at Vatican web site here.)

There you have it. Nothing much to say! Francis is not a pope. He works tirelessly for the Devil and those that believe in him ar simply risking their souls!

In case you are still wondering what the Catholic Church teaches about such false religions as the Anglican ‘church’ and other Protestant/Pentecostal ‘Churches, you need to read this quote:

‘Now, whoever will carefully examine and reflect upon the condition of the various religious societies, divided among themselves, and separated from the Catholic Church, which, from the days of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles has never ceased to exercise, by its lawful pastors, and still continues to exercise, the divine power committed to it by this same Lord; cannot fail to satisfy himself that neither any one of these societies by itself, nor all of them together, can in any manner constitute and be that One Catholic Church which Christ our Lord built, and established, and willed should continue; and that they cannot in any way be said to be branches or parts of that Church, since they are visibly cut off from Catholic unity. For, whereas such societies are destitute of that living authority established by God, which especially teaches men what is of Faith, and what the rule of morals, and directs and guides them in all those things which pertain to eternal salvation, so they have continually varied in their doctrines, and this change and variation is ceaselessly going on among them. Every one must perfectly understand, and clearly and evidently see, that such a state of things is directly opposed to the nature of the Church instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ; for in that Church truth must always continue firm and ever inaccessible to all change, as a deposit given to that Church to be guarded in its integrity, for the guardianship of which the presence and aid of the Holy Ghost have been promised to the Church for ever. No one, moreover, can be ignorant that from these discordant doctrines and opinions social schisms have arisen, and that these again have given birth to sects and communions without number, which spread themselves continually, to the increasing injury of Christian and civil society’.

(Pope Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Iam Vos Omnes)

Also, you MUST note that assisting at the liturgical services of non-Catholics is a mortal sin and makes anyone who does so, suspect of heresy. This is clear from the Church’s Code of Canon Law (1917) and her moral theology:

It is not licit for the faithful by any manner to assist actively or to have a part in the sacred [rites] of non-Catholics.
Whoever in any manner willingly and knowingly helps in the promulgation of heresy, or who communicates in things divine [=assists at sacred rites] with heretics against the prescription of Canon 1258, is suspected of heresy.

It is unlawful for Catholics in any way to assist actively at or take part in the worship of non-Catholics (Canon 1258). Such assistance is intrinsically and gravely evil; for (a) if the worship is non-Catholic in its form (e.g., Mohammedan ablutions, the Jewish paschal meal, revivalistic “hitting the trail,” the right hand of fellowship, etc.), it expresses a belief in the false creed symbolized; (b) if the worship is Catholic in form, but is under the auspices of a non-Catholic body (e.g., Baptism as administered by a Protestant minister, or Mass as celebrated by a schismatical priest), it expresses either faith in a false religious body or rebellion against the true Church.
(Rev. John A. McHugh, O.P. & Rev. Charles J. Callan, O.P., Moral Theology: A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities, vol. I [New York, NY: Joseph F. Wagner, 1958], n. 964)

So do not say you don't know!

Presented by Malachy Mary Igwilo 22nd March 2017, Feasrt of St. Isdore the Farmer

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