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Sunday 24 July 2016

John Paul II Loved Luther, the apostate, fondly!

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As we wonder what the man who claimed to be Pope but who is the head of the Novus Ordo religion occupying the Vatican and Catholic parishes worldwide will be doing celebrating Luther, the apostate, we must remember always that whatever Francis does in the name of the Catholic Church, he is standing on the shoulders of giants!

The problem with Novus Ordo religion is that it claims to be Catholic and uses Catholic name everywhere deceiving the world! Indeed the world is deceived!

There is really nothing surprising for a heretic as Francis celebrating another heretic like Luther! The problem is that he pretends to the whole world that he is the head of the Catholic Church, but nothing could be further from the truth.

John Paul II, of unfortunate memory, did exact same thing but far more worse! John Paul II did exact same thing for 27 years all the while pretending to be a Catholic and the “visible head” of the Catholic Church!

If John Paul II were to be alive today, he would be going to Sweden next year to celebrate Luther just as Francis will be going.

He will present an astounding speech demolishing Catholic teachings in full hearing of those who falsely call themselves Catholics! He will say that Luther was a reformer, a great saint! A great lover of Jesus! But nothing could be farther from the truth!

As we have already showed in this blog the devilish teachings of Luther, which Francis loves and will celebrate next year, we have to look at the various comments by John Paul II to show he loved Luther too and that is part of what made him an apostate!

According to John Paul II in his “encyclical” Ut Unum Sint, number 42:

“The ‘universal brotherhood” of Christians has become a firm ecumenical conviction. Consigning to oblivion the excommunications of the past communities which were once rivals are now in many cases helping one another: places of worship are sometimes lent out…..”

We see here that John Paul II has gone against ALL of the Catholic teachings of the past centuries concerning non-Catholic religions! He said we have cast aside excommunications!
He showed in this “Consigning to Oblivion” his Love for Luther when he said:

“In fact, the scientific researches of Evangelical and catholic scholars, researches whose results have already reached notable points of convergence have……. Clearly outlined the deep religious feeling of Luther who was driven with burning passion by the question of eternal salvation” (John Paul II, Letter on 50th centenary of the birth of Luther, to “Cardinal” Willebrands, president of the Secretariat for promoting Christian unity).

Here we see John Paul II suggesting that Luther had deep religious feelings and driven by the passion for eternal salvation outside the Body of Christ!
You see it there! If john Paul II were to be alive today, he will be the one travelling to Sweden next year!

John Paul II did not stop there! He endorsed the signing of a document which denied the Catholic teachings on Justification and adopted the position of the Lutheran Church of Luther!

“I wish to express my gratitude for the ecumenical progress made between Catholics and Lutherans in the five years since the signing of the Joint Declaration on the doctrine of Justification… is my hope that Catholics and Lutherans will increasingly practice spirituality of communion” (John Paul II, at a meeting with Lutherans from Finland, January 19th 2004)

So we see that John Paul II did not just love Luther, he loved his false religion and abandoned a cardinal Catholic teaching on Justification and adopted that of the “Church of Luther”!
So, those who called John Paul II “great” should now know what he is great about. He is great in loving Luther and spreading his heresies with full hands!


Malachy Mary Igwilo, on the feast of St. Christian, 24th July 2016

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