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Sunday 11 August 2019

“Fr” Collins Arinze Ogboogu of Onitsha Novus Ordo Archdiocese is a Satanic Danger against Children!

In this article I am following the admonitions of Pope Clement XIII who said

“Reveal to the faithful those who are demolishing the Lord’s Vineyard”. Check his  1766 encyclical Christianae Reipublicae, to see the urgency of this.

I am calling out Mr. Collins Ogboogu (the one many wrongly and ignorantly call “Fr” Collins Arinze Ogboogu). I am not here addressing his many other scandals meted out against children and other gullible people; I am calling him out as he is against Our Lord Jesus Christ! He is against the true Catholic Mass, the Tridentine Mass. He is an agent of Satan!

This man is in charge of Mater Misericodiam Novus Ordo Chaplaincy at Federal Government College Onitsha/Nsugbe.

This man openly told the children there not to attend ANY Traditional Latin Mass anywhere since, according to him “the pope” does not approve of it!

This is a stupid lie and a callous attack on the faith of the children and an attack against the Catholic Church especially as the Catholic Church is in the state of papal interregnum! So which pope has banned a catholic Mass? Is it possible that the pope can ban a Catholic Mass?

When I heard this from one of the Children there, I have to respond firmly since obviously this invalid priest is clueless and is seeking to destroy young souls, preventing them from getting to the truth. This is a classic case of disinformation!

First and foremost, what makes someone a Catholic? A person is a Catholic IF he/she is validly baptized and holds the Catholic faith.

The religion where “Fr” Collins Ogboogu is serving is NOT the Catholic Church since that religion does not hold the Catholic faith! If you wish to make further distinctions from this “Fr” Collins Ogboogu’s religion read the 30 distinctions here. If you wish to also know further why the evil religion at that Vatican where Collins Ogboogu is serving is NOT the Catholic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you need to read this article!

Also, “Fr” Collins Ogboogu is NOT a Catholic priest since he was ordained using a rite of ordination that is invalid as was promulgated by anti-pope Paul VI. An anti-pope is a person who have no papal authority but who claims to be the pope at a point in history. The history of the Catholic Church has at least 40 anti-popes! IF you wish to know more about why Mr. Collins Ogboogu and others like him are lay men, please urgently read why his ordination was invalid, utterly null and void.

So we MUST refer to this man as a lay man. The appropriate name for him is Mr. Collin Ogboogu NEVER Fr. Collins Ogboogu.

Mr. Collins Ogboogu as part of the counterfeit Catholic Church occupying Rome was trained to a false priesthood. Most of the theologians he was meant to study were theologians banned by the true Catholic Church under the last pope, Pope Pius XII. So Mr. Collins was mis-trained, darkening his poor soul!

How come? You may ask?

This is where the real wonder begins!

A document of International Freemasonry was leaked and Pope Gregory XVI got hold of it around the year 1820 and made it known to all his cardinals. In this document, called Alta Vendita the Masons outlined their mission for the infiltration and ultimate destruction of the Catholic Church. They hoped to achieve this by infiltrating the Catholic Church’s priesthood in order to wreak havoc on the Church from inside!

A woman called Bella Dodd testified to this in front of US Congress in the 1950s telling the whole world that She was part of a covert operation that infiltrated thousands of communists and people of questionable character into Catholic Seminaries in Europe and America. Find out about this here.

This document was immediately made public by Pope Pius IX around 1861 and eventually at the election of Pope Leo XIII, he too made this document public. To learn more about this document and to read it, click here. Also Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical, Humanum Genus, specifically warning us about this document and how other popes have done the same! Read the document of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical above so that you will know that this is not merely a “conspiracy theory” of the gutters!

Indeed Pope Leo XIII published this document as part of his push to protect the Catholic Church from Her enemies. He himself saw a vision of where the Devil vowed to destroy the Catholic Church IF Christ were to allow him! This is why this holy pope penned that prayer called ‘Prayer to St. Michael the Arch Angel” and mandated the whole church to say this prayer at the end of EVERY Low Mass. Needless to say, the false religion where Mr. Collins Ogboogu belongs to has suppressed the prayer long ago making it optional! 

But due to lukewarmness and lack of vigilance of Catholics, the enemy entered by infiltrating the catholic seminaries introducing hundreds of Masons into seminaries for them to become priests and then bishops to pilot the destruction of the Catholic Church from inside!

They succeeded.

During the reign of Pope Pius XII, the activities of Masons inside the Church was well known to the extent that the Pope’s personal confessor, Cardinal Bea was a mason and his secretary of State, Cardinal Montini (the criminal who will later claim to be Pope Paul VI) was also a Mason!

So when Pope Pius XII died in 1958, the Masons literally took over! They manipulated and elected one of their own, Angelo Roncali, as a pope. Interestingly, this criminal took a name of another anti pope as his own, he called himself Pope John XXIII, telling us things in plain sight. This criminal anti pope called a council called Vatican II council so that the Masons can finally impose their abomination on the physical structures of the Catholic Church thereby creating a false religion!

At this council, true Catholic ideas were sidelined and many half-truths imposed. That was their grand plan. In fulfilling what they wrote in their leaked document, many will remain in this false religion believing that they are Catholics while in actual fact, they are laboring under the flags of Freemasonry to the greater glory of the Devil!

Those who piloted this evil council were people under censure and under ban during the pontificate Pope Pius XII. As soon as Roncalli was falsely elected, he rehabilitated these banned theologians since he planned to impose their devilish teachings on the Church in the name of aggiornamento! It is these people’s idea that is in the head of Mr. Collins Ogboogu and this is why he is so clueless and anti-catholic.

His superiors know this and this is why they posted him to where he will be near children to exact maximum corruption of faith and morals!

The Second Vatican council, the council of Masons invited 6 Protestants and a Jew to help design a new form of worship for their new false religion since the Tridentine Mass, the true Mass of the Catholic Church cannot be celebrated again in their new false religion!

These 6 Protestants and a Jew helped a prominent Mason, “Archbishop” Bugnini to develop what now known as Novus Ordo Mass and which was imposed by the criminal anti-pope, Paul VI. It is this Mass that is now in many places formally Catholic parishes worldwide and innocent Catholics allowed their faith to be destroyed through regular attendance of this evil false mass. 

This new mass is befitting to the satanic agenda of Freemasons in their successful push to destroy the Catholic Church.

Traditionally, Catholics believe that the priest offers propitiatory Sacrifice for the living and the dead. In this new Mass, where most people go to every Sunday, it is written that The Mass is offered by the people, not the priest. The priest is merely presiding over the mass celebrated by the people! He is just the president! This is abomination and evil! It is an anti-Catholic idea! This is what Mr. Collins Ogboogu prefers!

Apart from this, the idea of offering sacrifice was removed entirely from this new abomination! The offertory prayer which shows the core nature of the mass was removed and replaced with a Jewish prayer before meal! You hear this prayer before meal said aloud by some Novus Ordo invalid priests. The will say:

‘Blessed are you Lord God of Creation through your goodness we have this bread to offer …..” the people will respond in most cases “Blessed are you Lord, Forever”!
That is a Jewish prayer before meal! Most people mistake collection of money as the offertory! That is NOT offertory! For more information on offertory during Mass. Click here.

Before this evil Mass was imposed in 1969 , some Cardinals who were brave condemned it and wrote to Paul VI to suppress it, since it goes against the Catholic idea of a Mass. Unknown to these few, Paul VI was a Mason and his mission was the destruction of the Catholic Church! He studiously ignored these cardinals. Read here to see one of the letters written to Paul VI by Cardinal Ottavianni and others.

As time went on more and more people, started to ignore this new mass, calling it the “dungeon of the faith”, a place where the catholic faith is killed! They started to reject this new Mass. A Man called Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre sought and obtained a permission from the criminal anti-pope, Paul VI to form an organization where priests can celebrate the Tridentine Mass, the true Mass of the Catholic Church because he thought the problem is really just the Mass. Unknown to him, the whole faith has been removed from the new religion! The anti-pope, mistakenly granted this at least to pretend to like the idea.

The SSPX, society of Pius X was formed in 1970 and they use exclusively a revision of the true Mass which was eventually rejected by Catholics since it is from this revision that the evil New Mass arrived.

The criminal apostate, John Paul II also established Ecclesia Dei Commission to pretend to love the true Mass!

But please note that these men do not love the true Mass, they allowed it because they knew that that Mass they allowed will not be valid since their priesthood is already invalid! They know that invalid priests cannot celebrate the true Mass validly.

Another criminal apostate, part of the arrow heads of the destruction by Vatican II council, Josef Ratzinger, the one who pretended to be Pope Benedict XVI wrote a document, called Sumnorum Pontificum.

This document asked all the Novus Ordo invalid bishops and priests to celebrate the true catholic Mass at will without any hindrance except that they cannot say the Traditional Good Friday prayer using this Tridentine rite!

In the Tridentine rite Good Friday prayer, a prayer is said for the conversion of the Jews! The false religion, the religion of Mr. Collins Ogboogu does not pray for conversion of Jews! It prays that Jews be strengthened in their false religion, in their rejection of Jesus Christ! for more information on this apostasy, click here.

So Benedict XVI does not wish any prayers for conversion of Jews. So he banned the Tridentine rite on Good Friday within the structure of his false religion!

When Benedict XVI resigned his false pontificate, another criminal apostate, who is not even a priest to begin with, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio was elected to pretend to be Pope Francis!

This man, I dare say is here to finish the work of Masons! He is a prominent hater of the true Mass. He set out to destroy ALL the organizations within his false religion that uses the Tridentine rite exclusively. For instance, he invaded and destroyed the organization called Franciscans of the Immaculate to make sure their Tridentine liturgy does not lead them back to the Catholic Church. For more information on this destruction, click here.

But then , Francis did not suppress Sumnorum Pontificum of Benedict XVI and he continued to court the SSPX the conservative society within his Novus Ordo structure.
The bottom line is the Tridentine Mass is still being said invalidly within Novus Ordo! Even the Apostate, “Cardinal” Francis Arinze celebrated it illicitly in London and Onitsha recently!

What are you to make of Mr. Collins Ogboogu’s admonition to children?

It is a clear case of evil intent!

They have discovered that more and more people are flocking to the invalid Tridentine Mass said within Novus Ordo indult and they wish to nip it in the bud. This is why they sent Mr. Collins Ogboogu to work on the Children! It has been discovered that those who attend the Tridentine Mass discover their Catholic faith and then leave Novus Ordo! This is very shocking to the Novus Ordo establishment represented by Mr. Colllins Ogboogu!

They are frantically working against the Tridentine Mass as part of the larger Masonic destruction of Catholic spirituality!

Mr. Collins Ogboogu being a prisoner of Novus Ordo, with the horrible training he received must be challenged! His lies destroyed!

His anti-pope approved invalid Tridentine Mass within Novus Ordo, but despite that Mass being invalid as it is celebrated by invalid priests, people are still flocking to it ignorantly and then they want to know why this Mass is no longer the Mass of what they thought is the Catholic Church! Then they discover the truth! They run and discover the true Catholic Church!

But Mr. Collins Ogboogu will work tirelessly to kill the trend!

It is a pity that this Man will go free from his infamy! A few children will listen through their parents. But we must spread the truth about the evil intent of Mr. Collins Ogbbogu! His evil MUST be challenged!

In all of these, note that they are NEVER against Protestants! They will never ask anyone not to visit all these mushroom churches or visit Mosques! This is tell you they are of the devil! They are telling you NEVER to attend a true Catholic Mass! They will never tell you not to go to other religions! That is the Devil’s agent at work!

Shame on Mr. Collins Ogboogu, Shame on the evil Novus Ordo usurpers in Onitsha who is sending such a scandalous and evil personality as Mr. Collins to destroy Children!

By Malachy Igwilo, 11 August 2019 feast of St. Philomena and St. Susanna  

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