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Tuesday 4 February 2020

Why Catholics do NOT eat meat on Fridays!

Image result for abstinence from meat on fridays catholic

In this era of apostasy, there is much confusion about how to know the Christian truth. Many millions of people who called themselves “Pentecostals” depend exclusively on the bible and on the opinions of those who started their religion.

Just yesterday, a friend told me he is studying theology! I asked him where he mentioned an obscure Pentecostal college! I asked one question: What is Patristics?

He failed woefully! He has never heard of that! He needs to fail because of his own version of Christianity depends only on the Bible without Tradition. Patristics is the study of the writings of the fathers, that is those who were with the Apostles (and those who were with those who were with the apostles) and wrote down things about what the Apostles did.

So IF you tell them that it is Christian Tradition to abstain from meat on Fridays, they will be looking for an explicit injunction from the Bible.
But in actual fact, this injunction has its foundations in the Bible!

The evil religion occupying the Vatican and Catholic parishes worldwide also has secretly removed this august Tradition from their religion or at least they allowed it to die! Since the mission in that religion is to kill souls, why would they promote such Tradition?

As soon as they got Catholic Bishops to sign on to their heresies, removing them from the Church as from November 21, 1964, they immediately began to dismantle everything that is Catholic in their new false religion. The Mass was the first target. Already scandalously tampered by anti-Pope John XXIII in 1960-1962, who specifically stated that he was implementing Pius XII's own work, Hannibal Bugnini's Conciliar Implementation Commission immediately began to issue decrees to corrupt the Mass.

Meanwhile, ALL Novus Ordo organs were rapidly corrupting all things Catholic. One of the most celebrated of these actions was to attempt to suppress the Friday abstinence from flesh meat that had been observed by Christians since Apostolic times. The Novus Ordo functionaries tried to pass the Friday abstinence off as merely a “disciplinary” matter, but in fact it was a major rejection of Apostolic Tradition, an action that was tantamount to heresy.

In fact, abstinence from meat on Fridays got explicitly mentioned in a document from the end of the first century A.D., the “Didache [Teaching] of the Apostles,” as well as by St. Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Apostolic Fathers, and Tertullian in the third century. The perpetual tradition of the Church is clear beyond the possibility of a mistake on this matter. The Friday abstinence was the universal custom from the very beginning, as Friday was dedicated to the memory of the Passion of Our Lord as a day on which we should make a special effort to practice penance.

So, not eating meat on Friday is in recognition of the fact that Christ suffered and died and gave up his human flesh and life for our sins on a Friday that Catholics do not eat flesh meat on Fridays. Also, the Friday abstinence reminds us of Adam and Eve's sin, and the Blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary in the atonement of the Original Sin.

By our abstinence on Friday, we recall, and participate, in some small way, in the great sacrifice of Our Lord for us on that Good Friday. Moreover, by abstaining from flesh meat, we give up what is, on the whole, the most pleasant, as well as the most nourishing food, and so make satisfaction for the temporal punishment due to sin even when its guilt has been forgiven. The law of abstinence forbids under pain of Mortal Sin flesh meat those over seven years of age. All other kinds of food are allowed.

Many in Protestanism/Pentecostalism will protest that it is against the Bible to avoid any food! The Novus Ordo members will say “Ah…. I did not know”! Yes, they do not know because they are not Catholics!

The abstinence from flesh meat on Fridays is an ecclesiastical law with associations to Divine Positive Law for the incorruptible crown, as expressed, for example, in St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (9:25) and Second Epistle to the Corinthians (6:5).

It has long obliged under pain of Mortal Sin, since Pope Nicholas I in the ninth century. Pope Innocent III at the beginning of the 13th century confirmed this teaching, and Pope Alexander VII anathematized those who would minimize the character of a breach as only venially sinful. Traditional Catholics know full well that they have a grave obligation of maintaining this immemorial practice since the Apostles. They must confess a knowing and willful breach as a Mortal Sin.

What does it mean when Novus Ordo religion turns its back on such an Apostolic practice of the Church? It is another sign that Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church.

Can we not do such a little self-mortification for our spiritual health by abstaining from flesh meat on that one day of the week, which so many non-Catholics do so do anyway for reasons of mere bodily health or "to save the whales"?

The question is would you join the world in ignoring the Church’s law? Or would you join the Catholic Church in penance for the sanctification of your soul?

By Malachy Igwilo, 4th February 2020, Feast of St. Andrew Corsini


  1. Hi Malachy.
    I was friends with you on facebook when I was still on it.
    I'm just wondering what you were referring to when you said in the 6th paragraph of this article:
    "...removing them from the church as from November 21 1964."

    What did they begin removing?

    Thankyou for your work in this blog.


  2. Sharbel Ferro thanks a lot for reaching out. My English is poor and so sometimes, native speakers misunderstand me. I was saying that as soon as the bishops signed on to the Second Vatican Council documents, that removed them from the Church, the cease to be members of the Church! So sorry foe the late reply.
