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Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Naked “Pope” Francis!

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It is just a metaphor to say that Mr. Jorg Bergoglio is naked! Yes, he is naked in public! We have seen him clearly as an apostate, a dictator and a supporter of pedophilia! 

He even beatified a pedophilia despite evidences! He has asked those who call themselves Catholics to seek the intercession of a pedophilia!

How many evils of Francis can we count before we can convince people that this pretender is a non-Catholic apostate! Truth be told, the sins do not make him a non-Catholic! What make him a non-Catholic are his heresies and apostasies which he proclaims nearly everyday!

Yet, people in their right senses call him “Holy Father”, “Pope”, “Vicar of Christ’….what insult tour Lord!

You may recall that Francis the dictator wanted to silence one of his invalid bishops in Chile! Apparently, the man tried to cover up a pedophilia with the support of Francis but when the new broke, Francis wanted to save him own face and punish the poor fellow whom he forced to resign!
As Francis visited Chile where he continued to deceive people that he is “pope”, a journalist asked him, in public about this cover up! He became visibly angry! The face of Francis, red with anger went round the world! Francis then said that the blame is on the Chilean “Bishops’’! This prompted the entire Chilean 34 “Bishops” to resign! They all decided to go since, according to Francis, they are hiding pedophilia!

What a game! I just love this drama! It shows us the rotten meat that is Novus Ordo/Vatican II religion where millions are perishing!

The latest is that a woman has accused Francis again, in a spectacular way that he DIRECTLY tried for cover up a “priest” who sexually abused his son!
The import of this story is that since Francis asked those who has been accused of pedophilia to resign, he himself should take a lead and resign from pretending to be “pope’!  He should take the lead!

Here is the latest Story as was written by Tradition in Action who, by the way, sees Mr. Bergoglio as pope! So this article although calls Francis “pope”, we all know that a non-Catholic like Mr. Bergoglio cannot be pope in the Catholic Church!

“On May 26, 2018, journalist Marco Tosatti from La Stampa in Turin, Italy, posted an article on his website Stilum Curiaereporting the involvement of Pope Francis in a cover-up for a pedophile priest in Buenos Aires when he was Archbishop of that city. The article refreshed some little-known old data reported by the Spanish blog Publico. Soon after, however, Tossatti's article was removed from that site, probably due to pressure from the Vatican.

Nonetheless, his full article had been transcribed by another Italian website – Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

The case history & cover-up

In May 2013, the Appeals Tribunal of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, confirmed a sentence by the City Court condemning the Diocese to pay US $27,000 (115,600 pesetas) to a victim of pedophilia to compensate for his psychological treatment and the moral damage he suffered.

Soon after in that same May 2013, the Spanish blog Publico highlighted the the case of a 15-year-old Argentinian – Gabriel Ferrini – who had been abused by Fr. Ruben Pardo in 2002. Immediately after being sexually violated, the youth reported the crime to his mother, Beatriz. She went to the Bishop of Quilmes, Luis Teodorico Stöckler.

The Diocese of Quilmes is subordinate to the Province of Buenos Aires whose Archbishop at that time was none other than Jorge Bergoglio. Bishop Stöckler called the priest to confront him with the accusation. Pardo acknowledged the abuse before the Bishop 96 hours after the abuse took place.

Since the Bishop delayed in punishing the priest, Beatriz Varela tried to communicate with Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio. However, he refused to receive her and ordered his bodyguards to prevent her from entering his residence. Symptomatically, at the same time the Archbishop of Buenos Aires was hosting the pedophile priest in a comfortable residence under his jurisdiction.

The abuse took place on August 15, 2002. Beatriz Varela was a worker in a diocesan school of Quilmes. She had asked the vicar of the local parish, Fr. Ruben Pardo, to instruct her two sons in the truths of the Catholic Church. The priest went to her house and, after giving some classes there, told Beatriz that he would continue the instruction in the church providing that Gabriel spend the night there. He also told the mother that in this way the youth could serve his early morning Mass. 

With his mother’s consent, the youth went to the rectory for the class. That evening, Pardo invited Gabriel to sleep with him in his bed. The youth first interpreted the gesture as a paternal invitation, until the moment when the priest actually violated him sexually. Gabriel reported: “I knew he was violating me but I couldn’t think of how to avoid it, because I was in shock and very afraid.”

When the priest ended the abuse and fell asleep, Gabriel slipped out and ran back to his house and reported what had happened to his mother. Beatriz went straight to Bishop Luis Stöcker. She stated: “Initially, he showed consternation, but, as the time went by, he did not take any action.” Instead, she continued, the Bishop “tried to minimize the case, saying that I had to be merciful with persons who chose celibacy as a vocation because they have moments of weakness.”

Beatriz told the Bishop that she wanted “truth, justice and the guarantee that such a thing would not happen to anyone else.” The Bishop then threatened to cut her employment. “I worked for a school in the Diocese,” she said, explaining her difficult situation.

Next, Beatriz had recourse to the Church Tribunal, whose president “refused to accept the denunciation.” Fifteen days later, she was interviewed by four priests “who submitted me to a humiliating interrogation with lascivious and tendentious questions, as if I were the one who had induced the abuse, when they knew for sure that the abuser had admitted the fact 96 hours after the episode before the Bishop, who reprimanded him.”

The mother of the victim also went to the Archdiocese, the residence of Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio. He refused to receive her and sent his security guards to expel her from the property. Soon afterwards, she learned that Fr. Ruben Pardo was a guest at the Vicar’s House in the Flores neighborhood, directly dependent on the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. She observed: “Bergoglio was aware of this situation because no one can be installed in the Vicar’s House without the authorization of the Archbishop.”

She boldly accused Pope Francis: “This is Bergoglio’s compromise: He speaks against cases of pedophilia in the Church, but uses hypocrisy, lies and complicity to cover them. He does not care about God and society.”

Then, she made a more general censure: “In the Church everyone knows and everyone keeps silent; thus, all are accomplices.”

She also mentioned other cases she knew about: “There were priests who were transferred to the Archdiocese of Cordoba after I made the denunciation. Last Friday a desolate mother called me because her 4-year-old daughter had been violated by those two priests, who still work in the school. … Other children are still at risk.” The mother of the abused girl did not want to go to press, but she did start a lawsuit against the priests.

Regarding the final verdict of the Appeals Tribunal and the Court of Quilmes, she also had bitter memories: “When the priest who abused my son died [of AIDS in 2005], the process disappeared for two years. When the lawsuit fell into the risk of expiring [by the statute of limitations], my son tried to commit suicide. He had to be interned for one-and-a-half months in a psychiatric clinic. No amount of money can compensate for what we have suffered.”

The son, Gabriel Ferrini, also had an opinion on the sentence: “The verdict established a judicial precedent and can help other victims so that it will not be so difficult for them to find a solution.

“It is necessary to take action because many people are afraid or too ashamed to denounce and quarrel with someone in clerical garb.”

This is the case that came to light at the end of May, when Marco Tossati highlighted the sentence by the Appeals Tribunal of Quilmes declaring the Diocese of Quilmes guilty of pedophile abuse.

This case resurfaced at the very moment when Pope Bergoglio was being besieged by public indignation over his nomination of and cover-up for Bishop Barros in the Diocese of Osorno, Chile. So, following his old pattern of action, Bergoglio apparently sent his “security guards” to threaten the Italian journalist who was trying to make these data public.

Years ago in Buenos Aires he used the same strong arm system against Beatriz Varela; now in Rome he seems to be using an identical procedure with Marco Tossati. Let me help to expose this plot, if it exists. I do not like “security guards” used for this purpose. They remind me of the methods of All Capone. Further, I believe it is time for us Catholics to become aware of what the “honest, pure, merciful and humble” procedures of our Holy Father really are”. 

We see that we have before us a Devil’s science and yet people say he is “pope”! Wait until a Muslim becomes pope as well! People will do nothing! They will cook things up to justify it as they are justifying Francis now! God help us all. Amen.

Presented by Malachy Igwilo, 3 July 2018, feast of St. Leo.

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